Growing our relationship with God, and influencing others to do the same.

Divine Nature

As our knowledge of God grows, the grander, he becomes. Even the most monumental discovery and or revelation only uncovers a greater vastness of our infinite God. In this message Pastor John shares with us how we are participants in the “divine nature” of God.

Power of the Tongue

Guest speaker, Stephanie Crawley, brings a powerful message on how our words can bring life or death to ourselves and others. (Please note that the YouTube video cuts off the last 13 minutes of the message. to hear the entire message please listen to the audio portion.)

Authentic Christianity

In a world with AI, we are going to experience an increasing difficult time authenticating most anything. Everywhere we look people are being deceitful to the point of not being able to trust anything and or anyone. So, in a world of deception how do Christians authenticate the gospel to a world with so much…

Baptism…All In!

Many of us are familiar with baptism and know it to be an outward expression of our faith to declare our salvation to the world, but we may still have questions pertaining to baptism and its role in our lives. Many, if not most all believers have been baptized. But, do we truly understand the…