As Christians our focus tends to be attracted to the fruit causing us to miss the tree. Scripture says we war not against flesh and blood. The enemy rubs the sin of man in the face of the church because he knows if he can distract us with the fruit we will never minister to…
You’ve been set apart for God’s special purpose.
Giving thanks in all circumstances is the key to contentment and sharing the love of God.
Darkness only exists in the absence of light. It’s time for the church to shine it’s light into the darkness rather than run away from it.
In this message Pastor John shows the importance of putting our trust in the King of Kings for our provision and not an “outside” entity. (Please note, the video of today’s message has 12 minutes of “dead time” at the beginning and also there was some problems with one of the mics. We are sorry…
Who is your king? In this message Pastor John shares the importance of looking to God and not man or civil government for the answers to the world’s problems.
As our knowledge of God grows, the grander, he becomes. Even the most monumental discovery and or revelation only uncovers a greater vastness of our infinite God. In this message Pastor John shares with us how we are participants in the “divine nature” of God.
Expected unexpected, give the unexpected, receive the unexpected. In today’s message, Pastor John explains why sometimes our expectations aren’t met.
Colossians 1:15-20 gives us a description of Jesus like no other passage in Scripture. Listen as Keith unpacks this amazing passage to reveal an extraordinary Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!
Although comfort attracts many Christians it has a hidden dark side as comfort is often fear in sheep’s clothing. In this message Pastor John explains why, if you are comfortable in your Christianity, you are probably doing it wrong.