Paul sought the revelation of God first, then presented it to those esteemed to be leaders in spreading the Gospel to validate the Gospel he had been preaching. Pastor John continues covering the Paul’s epistle to the Galatians in Part 5.
Who is our source of wisdom, and does the wisdom and teachings come from God, or are they of earthly origin? In this message Pastor John explains how Paul’s immediate response was not to consult any human but the Christ that saved him. As with Paul we should learn to seek the wisdom of God…
The most effective gospel is not the one you learned through the teachings of man but through the revelation power of the Holy Spirit. This is why it is so important that we create an environment for people to experience the Gospel. The gospel in many ways can’t be taught but only experienced through the…
Christians will likely encounter opposition in many areas of their lives and must decide whether to please God or man. Although it’s not always that cut-and-dry, at times, pleasing man is pleasing to God, and in other situations, pleasing God means offending man. In this message Pastor John explains the difference.