John Jacobs is the founder of the Strength Evangelist Concept and Power Team, now called the Next Generation Power Force. John has held over 3,000 crusades in 40 countries worldwide. His teams have also held over 30,000 public school assemblies in the United States alone. His ministry has been featured on CNN, People Magazine, and almost every major network. Eighteen years ago, Chuck Norris attended one of John’s crusades where he accepted Christ. As a result, CBS did an entire episode of Walker Texas Ranger featuring John and his team. Over the course of his ministry, John has seen over one million people come to know Jesus. John and his team will be at Bethel on Sunday, November 12 for two services. The first is Sunday morning where John will bring a message of inspiration and salvation. Then again on Sunday evening at 6 p.m. when they will do a strength demo that will leave you amazed. The Sunday evening service is designed as an evangelistic tool to invite your family and friends to come and hear the gospel of Jesus Christ.