The Men of Purpose is the men’s ministry at Bethel Church Choctaw. They are men who are committed to living their lives for Christ and being an example of integrity and Christlike love and service to their families and their neighbors. Just a few of their activities include:
- Tuesday Morning Bible Study (This fellowship and study is currently at Fred’s Café at 14030 S.E. 29th St. Choctaw, OK. They meet at 6:30 a.m. and enjoy breakfast, prayer, devotional, and fellowship.)
- Men of Purpose Service Day — 3rd Saturday of the month (This is a day when the men get together and serve our widows and single moms through helping take care of repairs and maintenance on their homes, cars, lawn equipment, etc. They meet at the church at 7 a.m. on the 3rd Saturday and have devotion, prayer and a time of planning the work for the day.)
- The also have “occasional” work days around the church as needed.
- Quarterly Saturday Morning Breakfasts and Fellowship.
If you would like to be a part of this vital ministry, please fill out the contact form below.